- April 10, 2020
Business Insurance during COVID – 19
f you’re an entrepreneur and reading this, you are most likely in confinement and safe at home. But you’re also likely to be wondering…. are my business assets safe?
That question might be eating away at the back of your mind because after all, worrying about your business is normal at the best of times… but these days, you’re likely thinking about it more than usual.
You want to be sure that your livelihood, and your means of supporting your business and your employees, is ready-to-go once we’re out of this crisis.
So yes, your business deserves all the attention, and protection it can get.
That’s where we come in.
We’re here to make sure you don’t take a chance with your biggest business asset and get exactly the cover you need for your business in this time of need.
How can I find out more about the essential insurance that my business needs?
We’re here to remind you that our staff is “safely, but surely”, working from home. So, if you want to make the most of this forced downtime to contact us , We’ll be happy to assist you to understand what you are covered for in the event of an extended unforeseen event or talk about starting a policy with us now.
As a conversation starter, we’re including information on two of the most common questions we usually get in regards to a business policy below:
Fire, Special Perils and Material Damage
Every business should guard themselves against fire and special perils hazards.
The fact of the matter is that unforeseen perils can easily happen. And during these difficult times where emergency services are stretched to the limit, you don’t want to leave anything to chance.
This Insurance cover makes sure you’re protected against any unforeseen events, whether that’s a fire, riots, strikes, flood or water damage, or even the impact damage a road vehicle can have on your premises, while you’re at home.
If you’re covered, We will pay for the loss and damage these insured perils can cause. The main list of events covered by the fire and special perils insurance include:
- Natural calamities such as lightning, flood, cyclone, storms, tidal waves, and more…
- Other insured perils such as riots, strikes, lockouts, malicious damage, burglary, civil commotion and more…
- Impact by land vehicles, animals, aircraft (or any item dropped from them).
- Other events such as electrical damage, bursting or overflowing water tanks, subsidence and more…
Public liability- Your Liability to Third Parties
Public liability insurance comes into play for any bodily injury or material damage to a third party arising from your business activity or the premises.
You might be thinking, “hmm if there’s one I definitely don’t need, it’s that. The business is closed!” and you would be wrong. Why?
Because in the event of an unforeseen incident happening on your premises it can damage other neighbouring premises, such as water damage from any overflowing or bursting of pipes, too, the last thing you want is any legal action you cannot protect yourself from.
Employers’ liability- Your liability towards your Employees
Speaking of essential services, if your business finds itself in that category, you’ll be happy to know that an employers’ Liability cover also comes into play to indemnify the business for its legal responsibility in the event an employee sustain a bodily injury during the course of work.
There you have it, three essential insurance cover plans you would need to protect your business right now. There are, of course, more which may interest you and more specific to your business activity and its particular assets. For example, if you are an SME, you can check out the package that we designed specifically for you here.
In any case, you can reach us via the live chat or by giving us a call on 659 0659,
Don’t feel like talking business now? You can contact us at any time. Our Business Account executive will be glad to be of service to you.