Personal Accident Insurance
Get a Personal Accident Insurance – It’s Fast and Easy
The reality is, accidents do happen and they are sudden.
Our cover is designed to give you peace of mind that you’ll receive your financial payout whether your accident occurs at home or abroad.
With our policy options, it’s good to know that when you and your loved ones are covered, you’ll have a financial buffer to help you through a difficult time if someone has an accident.
Scope of Cover
Personal Accident Insurance provides compensation in the event of bodily injury, permanent disability or death caused solely by accidental events.
As long as your main private residence is in Mauritius, you are covered if you die or you are injured as a direct result of an accident that happens anytime and anywhere in the world.
How to choose the right level of cover?
We offer different levels of Personal Accident cover, so you can choose the right level of cover for your personal needs.
How to choose the right level of cover?
How much would your family need without your salary to support them should you become disabled or involved in a fatal accident?
We would recommend you to take at least twelve times your monthly salary as a minimum sum insured for accidental death and permanent disablement cover.

We will pay out a lump sum of up to the limit of cover you have opted for if you were to die as a result of an accident. This kind of personal accident insurance can offer peace of mind with the knowledge that you are protecting your family from potential financial strain, if the worst should happen.
(Note: Children under 12 years old will be covered for funeral expenses of 10% of the accidental death cover limit.)

If as a result of an accident you are no longer able to work, we will pay out a lump sum of up to the limit of cover you have opted for.
If as a result of an accident you lose the use of your arm, leg, eye or any other limb, we will pay a lump sum as per scale of compensation.

If you have been injured in an accident, one of the biggest concerns can be how you are going to pay for your medical expenses.
We will reimburse the amount paid for medical, surgical or hospital fees necessarily incurred as a result of an accident up to the limit you have opted.

Your medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident are covered up to the limit of Sum Insured you have selected. An accident is a single, unexpected, unforeseen and unintentional incident that is not a symptom of a disease or illness.

You will be covered for Personal Accident and medical expenses that occur as a result of acts of terrorism whereby you have not been actively involved in terrorist activities.
Information & FAQs
No, you are entitled to Medical Expenses / Daily Hospital Income benefit for injury resulting from accidents only.
Yes, you will be covered whilst you are overseas anywhere in the world.
The age limit is 65 years old and below based on last birthday. For children aged 15 days old to 18 years old, parents/guardian must be the Policyholder.
Yes, you may take a new Personal Accident insurance.
65 years old is the last eligible age for renewal of your Personal Accident insurance policy. At 66 years old, we will send you a letter to inform that your Personal Accident insurance policy will not be renewed upon expiry.
If you have purchased more than one Personal Accident insurance policy, in the event of your demise or disablement, you or your beneficiary, as the case may be, will be compensated under each policy. However, for certain expense such medical expenses which are compensated on reimbursement basis, you will only be compensated once.
Scale of Compensation refers to the amount of compensation payable by the insurance company in the event of injury to or loss of limb, sight or hearing. It determines the proportion of compensation based on the loss suffered. E.g. the loss of a thump one phalanx is determined to be 10% of the Permanent Disablement sum insured.